My remit as editor of Asda Magazine's website was to raise the profile of the site, increasing traffic from sources other than the magazine, improve SEO and inbound and external links and ultimately drive revenue through to Since taking up the role the number of visitors to the site has doubled through various initiatives I have introduced. These include delivering new and exclusive quality content on a daily basis (the site was previously updated monthly), expanding all of the website’s non-food related content ‒ in key areas Asda Magazine isn't able to cover such as travel and lifestyle, obtaining exclusive high profile celebrity interviews, horoscopes and other traffic drivers to make Asda Magazine online a one-stop shop for users ‒ all with no budget.

As well as uploading content and optimising copy to make it more SEO friendly I continually instigate design and navigational changes to the site to enhance usability and develop relationships with key sites and brands to create reciprocal links on their sites. Through use of social media including twitter and facebook and I have obtained coverage for the site in high profile places such as the UK’s largest facebook page, Harry Potter. I have also been working with Asda to establish greater synergy between the site and their trade plan and sales and marketing strategies. was nominated for the first time at the APAs for an APA award for best digital solution.

Click here to view a version of before I began as editor

Click here to view a version of after I started as editor