ASDA magazine online 


My strategy as editor of Asda magazine's website was simple. Create engaging and topical content relevant to the interests of consumers, that would foster brand loyalty and drive ecommerce, while simultaneously developing the synergy between Asda's sales and marketing busiess objectives and print magazine content.

Working with key Asda stakeholders and a team of UX, developers and designers I improved the site navigation putting customers at the heart. I boosted the site's inbound and external links and SEO, prioritising newsworthy, searchable content, keywords and optimised images. I moved the site from new content uploaded monthly to daily, introduced new content strands and commissioned exclusive content as it had previously just been migrated and repurposed from the print magazine. I also worked with brands and PRs to seed content and raise the profile of the website.

Working with UX and design, I also lead the redesign of Asda magazine's digital newsletter with the aim of improving open rates. I enhanced the customer experience by delivering segmented newsletters and used AB testing and analytics to monitor content.

The result led to an increase in over double the site traffic year-on-year and a newsletter open rate 15% above industry standard, in turn increasing revenue for both the publication and Asda. 


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